Friday, October 16, 2009

If I could do the Casting of Metal Gear Solid Live Action Movie...

In a world where games are often made into big budget films more often than not we are... how do I say this... let down. Have you ever been watching a movie and said to yourself "Hey this guy would make a perfect (insert superhero) or have you ever watched a "game to film" movie and said "WTF this guy doesn't even look like (insert character he doesn't look like)?? Sometimes you wonder if [they] have ever even seen the game before casting the parts. I'm sure you have.
Well, recently there has been talks of one of my favorite games of all times coming to the "big screen" and that game goes by the title of METAL GEAR SOLID. Now, now...Before I give you MY version of who I think should, could, play the parts of one of THE most celebrated games in history, I must give you the rules of this blog.

Rule #1: I'm going to name the Actors/Actresses according to how Hollywood sees them and would budget the movie. So don't be offended by my choices. (geeks! lol! j/k...sorta.)

Rule# You do NOT talk about Fight Club. (Sorry. Had to.)

ANYWAY, lets begin.

Lets just go ahead and get this out of the way. Im sure you're dying to know who I think would make a good Snake.


NOW. Settle down. Settle down.
Yes, that is the story teller dude from 300 whom Gerard Butler left his army with to tell the tale of the brave spartans, yada, yada.

My Reason:
For starters, his voice has the natural grittyness that Snake is known for through out the franchise and while he may not sound EXACTLY like the Snake we know, I'm sure it would pass as a believable chain smoking war vet. Also, Mr. Wenham is not an A-list actor yet so I'm sure he'd dedicate himself to the role and character much like Gerard Butler did for Leonidas.
Hollywood might like this because he favors the leading character, he's relatively unknown and has potential to lead the movie to success due to his dedication to bring the game to life. If done right, this might give Hollywood a chance to prove themselves to the video gamers and critics that they aren't just mindless rich people with money and no creativity. #justsaying.
Oh yeah...lets not forget the important thing here... The guy looks like Snake.

My Second Choice.
Come knew it already...


Now... *takes sip of coffee and rotates in chair a little*

This is PURELY fantasy here and I'll explain why.
My Reason:
Snake = Bad Ass.
Wolverine = BAMF.
We've all seen how Hugh Jackman's developed over the years into James Howlett a.k.a. Wolverine and that show's dedication. And yes he does favor Snake and does have the bod and all that glory. (I love Hugh's movies by the way, so this is in no way hateration coming from me.)
BUT here's why I don't think it would work and why I named him second. Just like I stated above with David Wenham, Hugh is A-List now. He's a big name now and if they cast him as Snake, that would kinda put Hugh where NO actor wants to be...type cast. See what I mean?
Sure, his name would generate money and fans alike, but honestly it would be another "Lone man, trying to fight his demons and save the world one corpse at a time" kind of vibe. I mean... I'm not Hugh's agent or anything, so I don't know exactly what he'll do, but I don't think it would be a good look. He alone would take up most of the budget that MGS is GONNA need. And they're gonna get as much of Hugh's face as possible if they pay all that money for him and that would subconsciously pull away from the story itself. So... yeah... it would be a Hugh Jackman flick and not the big MGS film we are all waiting for.

I do realize that I'm posting pix of Big Boss but I just think that his pix really capture the whole facial issue that I'm talking about. Shut it. XD

Last but not least...


The Man. The VOICE.

My Reason:
Personally, I just love this guy period. I've seen the interviews and just by looking at him you wouldn't know that he has the screenplays for "X-men, X2, and Watchmen" under his belt. He always appears genuine and cool. Which would probably explain why Mr. Hayter gave Snake such a cool voice. Yes. This is the man behind the no homo.
More importantly I was very surprised at how much he looked like Snake himself! Most voice actors looking NOTHING like how they sound. Or at least how you'd imagine them, but Hayter actually looks like Snake a little. And lets face it. What would Snake be without the voice? So if we had Hayter in the movie as Snake we'd actually have the voice and we'd be DYING to hear the famous line "Kept you waiting, huh?"
But in all Honesty, I dont know how his acting is. I've never seen him in anything and I could understand skeptics on this issue. I did hear that he offered to write the screenplay and give it this Apocalypse Now feel, which would have been effin awesome, but they declined his offered. WEAK SAUCE.

So there ya have it.
This is who I think should or could or would play Snake in a Metal Gear Solid live action, Big Budget movie. Don't crucify me for my views or send me the hate mail because I didn't say Christian Bale. LoL!!
STAY TUNED for Part 2 where I talk about who should play Liquid. It gets good. Real good.
Thanx for reading!

-Bre Fontaine